How To Deal With Period Pain

August 10, 2017

It is almost 5AM. I am dozing off but my tummy is definitely not letting me go. Therefore, I will be sharing a few symptoms and cure of mine that I will go for during my cramps. I would like to make it clear that everything stated below is based on my experience, please do not take it to personal as it might not work on everyone. As for my cramps, the pain is no joke. If only menstrual leave exist in my country. SO, here are the few symptoms that I will encounter a few days before my PMS (Premenstrual syndrome). I am trying my best to not wake my parents up because they wouldn't believe I'm having menstrual pain because I was having insomnia for the pass few days.

For your information, puberty can start as early as 3 years old according to a news i read online, nope that is not normal. Most girls starts between 10 to 15 years old. I had period when I was 10, it was consider too early for my mom. But what I can remember is, having cramps in school was the most horrible experience I could never forget. For some girls, they are lucky enough to feel painless. Unfortunately not for me, my pain goes up to 4 hours and more.

To be more in detail, no one is allow to touch me or even trying touch things that I am connected to such as a table I am resting on, do not talk to me because talking needs energy and it hurts, do not try to fan me. Basically, just leave me alone next to a volcano, huge ones.

Swollen Muscle, it feels strange because how could you have swollen muscle when you knew you didn't worked up much. The pain is everywhere, especially on my back bone and my upper thigh, yes I still feel the pain even during my menstrual pain. Can anyone please explain to me?

Craving For Food, I am constantly craving for food especially at night. I tried sleeping but I kept on waking up and be like "I don't care, I need food". Because if I don't eat, the pain will only get worst. I am not making up an excuse, this is no joke. Doesn't matter if is before or during menstrual. After consuming such big amount of food, tears of remorse.

The Pain, the pain comes gradually and it does feel uncomfortable and my emotion does get mess up. It somehow affects me mentally, I don't know how but it's true. Trust me, its hard to control. Only females can understand (sadly). To be honest, it annoys me a lot because I don't like how it affect me either.

Next, how do I cure my pain. To be exact is how I reduce the pain. There is no such thing as no pain for a person like me that has been going through all these...pain.

Hot Chocolate, A lot a lot of hot chocolate. My boyfriend used to get my hot chocolate automatically whenever I'm having menstrual pain. But now, due to LDR...I guess I'll need to hide at the warmest corner I could find. Hot mineral water doesn't help, somehow only hot chocolate does.

Hot Pad, this works for any girls. It depends on hot you can handle. As for me, I will go for boiled water. I use two pad, one on my back and one on my lower tummy. I will lie straight on my bed and let the numb feeling go through my lower body like "Do whatever you want to do, I don't care" until I fall asleep.

Because it's late night, I only had a cup of coffee. I was too lazy to make two pads.

Menstrual Pills, normally I will go for the pills straight away if I really couldn't handle the pain but luckily I was having quite healthy meals for the pass few days. The pain was as hurtful as it should be. Sometimes I hope my boyfriend could experience it. It never works for me if I only go for one pill, I always have two pills (DO NOT LEARN). It's because my body needs it, I have no choice.

Toilet, it's my best friend. I could stay in my toilet for 4 hours, every single time. It saves a lot of my menstrual pad. Along with hot chocolate and my two hot pad, I will never leave my toilet ever again.

Sweat, I tried to sweat as much as I can. Because that is the only way for me to feel comfortable and helps me to reduce the pain. Please don't ask me why, I wish to know the answer too. As for now, my palm and my forehead is sweating. Pretty sure is a good news for me.

That's it for now, I think I'm finally feeling sleepy thankfully my cramps are slowly going away. Let's just hope its going to be better tomorrow. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Leave me a comment if there is anything you would love to tell me!

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