Why I Quit My First Job: First Reason

August 01, 2017

I wonder why would I be so harsh on my first post, Oh well. I'm going to skip the long first paragraph intro. If you're ever wondering which company was it, feel free to drop me a comment.

Was it a tough decision? No 
Was it plan? No

I have worked with them for nearly 10 months. To be exact on my matter, I have 3 solid reason. Yes, I am leaving the most sensitive reason at the end. Let's start with the first two most reasonable...reason?  

The Transportation,
I am not sure how far any of you would go for to work. But as for me, My work starts at 10 in the morning and I have to leave my house 6 in the morning to avoid standstill traffics. I have tired leaving at 7am, sometimes I woke up late I leave at 8am but no joke I am always stuck in the traffic for 2 hours. Coming back home has no doubt that it also took me 2 hours. And, that sums up 4 hours in total of my daily routine stucking in traffic. Pretty sure that's not what I want after I'd spend almost...

4 hours traffic per day (sometimes 3 hour and a half) x 20 days (working day) x 10 month = 800 hours / 33.3 days

I almost wasted a month inside my car yelling. Why didn't I rent a room? this could lead to another post if you're interested knowing, just leave me a comment. 

This wraps up my first reason why I decided to quit my job. Still curious? Hop on my next post tomorrow at 8pm. 

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